Fall 2021 Program Information
Program Information for 2021-2022 School Year
COVID PROCEDURES (to be implemented the first 30 – 60 days of school)
- Students, teachers, and staff will be subject to daily temperature checks upon check-in.
- Parents will not enter our facility to pick up students. We will send detailed protocols as the first day of school approaches.
- Masks will be required at all times.
- Learning Bee staff will be tested for Covid-19 at least once every two weeks.
- Each classroom will be equipped with a BlueAir 3 layer air filtration which is the same as what is used in FUSD classrooms.
- Snack time: No more beverages will be served during snack time immediately after school. For the initial 30 – 60 days, supervised snack time will take place outside of Learning Bee facilities.
- Registration is complete only with:
- Completed and signed Docusign of this Terms and Conditions document.
- Completed registration on ParentOrbit
- Completed payment of registration fee and tuition
- We will announce confirmation of your enrollment on Saturday, July 24, 2021 via email.
- There is a $150 Registration fee per child. Siblings in the family can register with a $50 discount. (an automatic 5% discount at the time of registration and $42.50 manually refunded within 2 business days.)
- Registration Fees are non-refundable upon confirmation of enrollment except if Learning Bee or parents cannot find transportation for your child to get to from school to Learning Bee.
- Families on waitlist: $50 is non-refundable. The remainder can be refunded upon written request up to 90 days after you have been on the waitlist.
- Tuition – Tuition is charged per 18 school days installment period; 10 installments are charged per school year. Tuition information may be requested by contacting our office.
- Tuition collection at time of registration: 2 installment of tuition are charged at the time of registration. Tuition is refundable only if you end up on the waitlist.
- Tuition Refunds:
- If cancelling before Friday August 6, 2021: $250 cancellation fee. 50% of the remainder will be refunded and the rest will be applied as credit for future services.
- If cancelling after August 6, 2021: $500 cancellation fee and 100% of the remaining will be applied as credit for future services.
- Tuition Payment by Credit Card: There is a 3% charge on tuition if paid using credit card on Parent Orbit. It is recommended that parents pay by echeck instead.
- Families with credit from 2020: Families who have previous credit can check their balance by logging into billandpay.com. If you wish to pay with credit, please check-out using “Pay at Learning Bee”.
- Families that were registered with us as of March 2020 will be given priority as long as they register before July 21, 2021.
- New families can register anytime but will be prioritized after current families who registered before July 16, 2021.
- We will set the maximum students per class at 15 for now.
- We reserve the right to combine grade levels in a class if class minimum of 8 students are not met.
- Grades 5 and 6 will most likely be a combo class.
- Families can tell us their driver needs on this form.
- Drivers and passengers are required to wear masks at all times during the ride from school to Learning Bee.
- We are happy to have students from any school as long as transportation arrangements can be made. For some schools, parents may need to find their own driver.
- Not all of our drivers will be returning to help us. At this time, we can only secure drivers for Gomes/Chadbourne/Mission Valley elementary schools. We cannot guarantee drivers for any other schools.
- Driver fees will be determined after looking at registration numbers. Approximate fees follow:
- Gomes $5 per student per day
- Chadbourne $6 per student per day
- Mission Valley $6.50 per student per day
- Parkmont $8 per student per day
- All fees are to be paid directly to drivers. No refunds for missed rides for any reason initiated by students/parents.
- The official hourly class schedule will not be available until late August 2021.
- Our standard core program (K-G6) will continue to include but not limited to the following: Journal Writing, Reading Comprehension, Math, Science, Art, Current Event, Fitness, and Project-Based Learning activities after the first hour of homework help time daily. Our one of a kind Kinder Theatre program will be offered for this school year.
- Other enrichment programs (both in person & distance learning) such as Academic Writing, Lego Robotics & Engineering, App Development, Python Programming & Scratch Programming will be made available per demand by mid-October 2021.
- Families who wish to terminate their enrollment in our program must give 30 days notice.
- If cancelling before Friday August 6, 2021: $250 cancellation fee. 50% of the remainder will be refunded and the rest will be applied as credit for future services.
- If cancelling after August 6, 2021: $500 cancellation fee and 100% of the remaining will be applied as credit for future services.
- Cancelling after October 7, 2021, 30 days notice required before the last day of enrollment. Tuition and driver fees must be paid in full for the 30 days even if the student no longer attends during the 30 day termination period.

39977 Mission Blvd
Fremont, CA 94539