Registration Information for New After School Program Students
Thank you for your interest in Learning Bee! Before you register be sure you have read all the important information on this page regarding how students are ranked to get a spot in our program.
New Kindergarten Parents please visit this page for frequently asked questions.
When you get on the Parent Orbit Page, please be sure to enter your child’s CURRENT grade (for this school year 2019-2020).
You will then have two choices to register for the Fall Program:
1. Priority Bundle ($850) – Registration Fee plus the two weeks of summer camp. You may choose the two weeks of summer camp now, or wait until I give you a code. If you choose to register and pay now, we will refund the 2 week fee that was already paid as part of the registration bundle. Refunds take 4-8 business days.
2. Year Round Membership ($120 now, $7710 later) – Because we only have openings in First and Third Grade, we are only offering YR Memberships for those grades. Registration Fee plus full payment of the full time tuition for the 2020-2021 school year. Includes 4 weeks of summer camp. Parents choosing this plan will have a guaranteed spot in our program. Membership spots are limited. Please do not choose this plan if you cannot come to camp for 4 weeks, or if you do not intend to attend Learning Bee on a full time schedule. The penalties for terminating a Paid Year Round Membership need to be considered.
Once you register for the after school program, we will notify you of your status no later than April 1, 2020.
If you have any questions not answered by our Registration Page, please ask for help at
Proceed to Parent Orbit for Afterschool Program Registration